Alumni Success: From Kenya to Lancaster

  • Alexandra Zara Manju Ngare
  • From Kenya
  • Completed NCUK International Foundation Year
  • Progressed to Lancaster University, BSc (Hons) Computer Science
Why did you choose to study with NCUK?

I chose to study with NCUK because I have heard so many good things about it. But what really got me excited was the high guarantee of getting a placement into university, which was my main concern getting out of high school.

How has your NCUK experience helped you to get to where you are today?

My NCUK experience has really fostered my independence and helped me grow as an individual. I had to do majority of the application process on my own, including my visa application. I had never done anything like this before, so everything was so foreign to me. But getting through it taught me how to be resilient and determined, which have been key factors in helping me achieve my goals up until now.

What are your goals for the future?

First and foremost I would like to become a successful and well established Computer Scientist. After I complete my undergraduate and masters degrees I would like complete my PHD before I enter the job market.

Do you have any advice for future NCUK students?

I would advise them to take everything one day at a time and not to rush any major decisions. From choosing their major to the university that they want to go to. It’s better to take the time to think through it than rush into it and do something they’re not passionate about. Because when things get hard it’s good to have a solid why, backing up everything.

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