Ambassador spotlight: the NCUK journey


There are many reasons why every year thousands of international students decide to start their academic journeys with NCUK. NCUK Student Ambassador, Anjola, has reflected on his own reasons and on why, in the end, studying with NCUK was one of the best choices he could make.


“Before joining NCUK’s International Foundation Year, I was enrolled in Cambridge A levels, and what compelled me the most to make the switch was the fact that I had a guaranteed offer into university. The education aspect of getting into university is already complex enough without adding the stress of figuring out which university to apply to, or how to apply to said university. NCUK even goes as far as helping to contact universities that those students didn’t even apply to, in order to deliver on their guarantee!”

Unlike other university pathway providers, NCUK guarantees progression onto an NCUK University. This means that students can choose from over 45 Universities in the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the USA and continue their studies knowing that they’ll receive university offers upon successful completion of an NCUK qualification.

Another key factor that Anjola considered when choosing NCUK was the fact that he knew he was going to be supported every step of the way:


“The availability of NCUK’s guidance — application wise— was really amazing for me, because all I needed to majorly focus on was my education and NCUK. My Study Centre helped me figure out the rest! The tools that were pivotal to this ranged from university fairs, to actual one-on-one counselling. It’s really so special how NCUK and Study Centres take time to assist students in this situation.”

NCUK has dedicated counsellors and Student Support teams who are there to support students with writing personal statements, giving advice on visas, helping apply for university accommodation and to submit university applications on behalf of the students.

Anjola successfully completed the International Foundation Year in Nigeria and progressed to the University of Alberta in Canada, where he’s studying BM Business Management. If you would like to follow in Anjola’s footsteps, click here and speak to our teams today.