NCUK shortlisted in the 2021 International e-Assessment Awards


We are delighted to announce that NCUK has been shortlisted in the 2021 International e-Assessment Awards for Best International Implementation!

This award seeks to acknowledge e-assessment organisations that have delivered innovative and effective programmes in one or more countries outside of their main country of operation and the nomination is a huge recognition of all the hard work and efforts made over the last year at NCUK to ensure that students worldwide were able to continue with their education despite the challenges.

Historically, assessments had been delivered paper-based until in 2019 NCUK initiated a digital assessment project with a 3-year implementation plan. Owing to the Covid-19 pandemic, NCUK required immediate tactical solutions to provide globally secure and reliable assessments and digitally-enabled marking and moderation to deliver valid awards for students, Study Centres and Universities.


We are delighted to be a finalist for the e-Assessment Association Award for Best International Implementation. It is a testament to the hard work undertaken to devise digitally-enabled assessment that is accessible to all our Study Centres and students globally. As we prepare for the 2021/22 academic cycle, the Covid-19 pandemic continues to impact our Study Centre network and we are able to offer delivery models and assessment solutions that provide valid, reliable, robust and quality assured awards accepted by the NCUK universities.

Suraiya Arshad, Academic Operations Director at NCUK

The 2021 International e-Assessment Awards for Best International Implementation celebrates the international reach of e-assessment, recognising the challenges faced by organisations working outside of one’s main country of operation, whilst still achieving excellence and ensuring relevant and valid assessment practices.

The winners will be announced at the 2021 International e-Assessment Conference and Awards taking place online in June 2021. If you’d like to read the full announcement, please click here.