NCUK Successfully Hosts In-Person Counsellor Engagement Event in China


After over four years without being able to hold an in-person counsellor engagement event in China, the first one was successfully organised and conducted. The event featured over 20 centre counsellors from various regions of China, and NCUK Associate Director, Student Support, Ruth Jones; NCUK Student Support Manager, Abby Li; and NCUK Head of Progression Brad Johnson conducted the event in Beijing. Colleagues from the University of Kent, Queen Mary University of London, Auckland University of Technology, University of Exeter, and the University of Bradford joined the NCUK team for this exciting event.


The day-long event focused on training, networking, and sharing best practices amongst the counsellors, particularly during the pandemic. Several sessions were conducted, including a summary of the intake, a best practice session with senior counsellors from China, and a speed dating-style event where each university partner was allotted 15 minutes of focused time with the counsellors. The event also included training sessions on offer shortlisting, Australian/New Zealand counselling, and student accommodation.

NCUK Associate Director, Student Support Ruth Jones, expressed her happiness to be back in China after three years, especially after the pandemic. She stated, “It was an honour and a joy to be back in the wonderful country that is China. After three years away due to the pandemic, it’s so fantastic to be together face-to-face once again to share our expertise and passion for the sector. It was great to catch up with old colleagues and meet counsellors who have started since.”


It is essential to highlight that the event marked a significant step towards returning to normalcy for the education industry in China, and everyone who participated did an excellent job of making it a success.