Online Teacher Training & Professional Development Sessions
We are pleased to share the new ‘Teacher Training and Professional Development Plan’ for 2021/22. This plan highlights the wide array of webinars and online events taking place over the summer period for teachers who are delivering NCUK qualifications.
Staff will be able to view this comprehensive teacher training programme, that supports our network of existing and new teachers joining our Study Centres, by visiting the NCUK learning and assessment platform. Webinars will focus on different topics such as introductions to various subject modules, exploring teacher plans and more. The first of these webinars begins on Wednesday 16 June with over 20 more taking place between June and September.
Teachers can register for these sessions by using the Zoom links located next to each session in the programme. Sessions will be taking place throughout the summer, with further sessions to be added in the near future. New information will be communicated to teachers in due course.
This document which contains the full plan for 2021/22 including the zoom registration links can be accessed from the NCUK learning and assessment platform.
If you have any queries regarding the webinars, workshops and the Teachers’ Conference, please get in touch with our Academic Support and Development Team.
Asia: Nazlin Karim (
Rest of the World: Nico Decourt (