Frequently asked questions
Below you will be able to find the answer to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding NCUK qualifications and how to successfully complete them.
- You will still receive your results this summer. The decision on your final results will be made by NCUK, using our own evidence combined with evidence provided by your Study Centre. The process to calculate your final results will be designed to provide the fairest possible outcome and ensure that you are not disadvantaged by these unprecedented circumstances.
- NCUK are introducing a new time-controlled assessment, which – like an exam – will give you the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the Learning Outcomes for the modules you are studying. We appreciate you will be very keen to receive more information about time-controlled assessment. NCUK is working with subject specialists to develop detailed instructions and guidance for your teachers, so that they can prepare you.
- No, you must still actively engage with your course as per the guidelines laid out by your Study Centre. All students must engage with the course for the rest of the programme in order to obtain results. Take a look for some study tips and advice here.
- You will still receive your final results this summer and therefore, as long as you have met the entry requirements for your course, you will still be able to progress to university. We are currently working to confirm the results release schedule with your Study Centre, who will advise you of the date as soon as they are able.
- NCUK, our Universities, and our Study Centres around the world are fully committed to providing solutions for our students to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to complete their course, progress to university, and complete their degree on time. The offers you have received from universities are still valid and you must try your best to achieve the grades for your chosen destination. NCUK will support you to get there.
- Yes, your EAP result will still be accepted by the university and therefore it will meet UK visa requirements.
- Universities are making preparations to welcome their new students as usual. They are considering alternative options including flexibility with arrival dates and the possibility of starting the year through online teaching. Universities are extremely well prepared to provide solutions for new students wanting to start learning this year. Universities will continue to provide updates on this on their own websites.
We have listed them all here.
For any questions about your results and how they were calculated, please contact your Study Centre.
If you suspect that a result may not be accurate, you should discuss this with your Study Centre. Your Study Centre will help you to decide whether to submit an ‘Enquiry about Results’ request (please refer to your Student Handbook for further information). It is very important that you understand that with this request, your module(s) mark(s) and grade could go down, up, or remain the same.
Students (and parents) should note that:
- NCUK can only accept ‘Enquiries about Results’ requests submitted by your Study Centre.
- Your Study Centre will submit any Enquiries by the following deadlines: 4 August 2020 if you took your TCAs in May 2020; 11 September 2020 if you took your TCAs in July 2020
- NCUK charges a fee to process Enquiries about Results. Your Study Centre will advise you of the charge and how to pay it.
NCUK has launched an English Language Test for visa purposes which will be available at a range of NCUK study centres. You can get more information on this qualification, where it can be taken, and which universities accept it through the dedicated section on the NCUK website.
Universities accept a range of English Language qualifications for progression. Please speak to the Student Support team to get specific information for each University destination you are considering. If you would like to contact the team, please email
Universities are working hard to ensure their campuses are safe for students once they return. Their top priority is to keep everyone as safe as possible. Each university is communicating regularly with students about returning to campus or starting their studies. Please monitor your email account and social media for updates from your university.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Student Support:
NCUK advises to book your flights after you received your visa. You can begin the visa application process once you have an unconditional offer from the University, which for most students will be after their final marks release date in either July or August.
Those who currently hold an unconditional offer can only start applying for a visa 3 months in advance of their course start date. Additionally, some visa centres are currently closed. This means no visas are being issued at the moment. However, visa centres are now starting to re-open across the world. To find out if your closest visa centre is open and view appointment availability please see here.
If you have any questions about how NCUK or would like to receive more information, please email or contact your Study Centre directly.