Adapting To Life In The UK

Posted: 02.10.2017
Author: Karen Abril Dominguez Montes

Moving to another country for the first time can be troubling in many ways. Even though you might have feelings of joy, happiness, and emotion; you will probably feel sad and nervous at several moments as I did during my first weeks in the UK.

student in city

My first two weeks in the UK were difficult. I had brought some food from my home country for all my stay; however, I finished it all in my first few days thus, when I finished it, I had to look for a supermarket near my accommodation. The process of looking for new stores and restaurants by myself seemed daunting however, after it became a necessity for me to do these things, I realised that these activities were easy to do and fun. By my fourth day in Manchester I started investigating the city and entered all stores that I found interesting and ate in as many restaurants as I could.


By the second week of my stay in the UK, I had already made friends in my University (Manchester Metropolitan University) and accommodation; which allowed me to experience the city with other people. As there are many international students living in the UK, lots of them are willing to go amongst students that they have just already met. This allowed me, and it will help you too, to quickly make friends. Living in the UK seemed easier and easier each day it passed.

So my recommendation for you is to start investigating by your yourself. You will make friends on the path that will make you enjoy your stay at the UK. But if you never leave your room, it will become more difficult! Go out, enjoy and try new places. You will find out that it is all easier than it seems.

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