Study Abroad Tips: Safety, Healthcare and Money


A student guide if you’re planning to study in the UK

Planning to go to a university in the UK? Here’s a useful guide to help you stay safe, access healthcare and manage your money while studying abroad.

Five Rules to Stay Safe in the UK

Studying in a foreign country can be exciting, but it’s also important to stay safe. The UK is generally safe for students, but as with cities in any country, there are some risks. Here are five rules to help you stay safe in the UK:

  • Avoid walking alone after dark. Always stay with friends or take a taxi instead.
  • Explore the city with friends – it’s safer and more fun!
  • Keep your valuables safe. Hide your phone and money in a pocket or bag.
  • Lock your bedroom door when you leave and keep your keys safe.
  • Carry just enough cash and get an international student account with a card to use at ATMs.

student at night

Managing Money as an International Student in the UK

Managing money can be a challenge for international students. However, most major banks in the UK offer accounts and support that are tailored to meet your needs. It’s a good idea to have a bank account with a UK bank to avoid paying foreign exchange fees and carrying your bank card in a secure pocket in case you lose your cash. Also, try not to carry more cash than you need to in case you lose it or it gets stolen.

Access to UK Healthcare for International Students

The UK has a National Health Service (NHS) that provides free healthcare to anyone who needs it. As an international student, you can access the NHS as long as your course lasts for over six months. However, you will need to pay an Immigration Health Surcharge for each year of your course as part of your Tier 4 student visa application. You can also take out private health insurance to cover the costs of private medical treatment or other procedures.


We’re Always Here to Help

Studying in the UK can be an exciting experience for international students. These tips will help you stay safe, access healthcare and manage your money effectively during your time in the UK, but if you have any specific questions or need advice and support, talk to our team directly here