Accounting: Exemplar Undergraduate Personal Statements to help you focus


If you are on the journey of applying to universities, crafting a compelling personal statement can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. But fear not; we are here to help you navigate this path more easily. We have curated three exemplary personal statements that serve as shining examples of what universities look for in applicants. 

These personal statements focus on Accounting, Biomedical and Engineering applications and embody quality, clarity, and individuality, compellingly showcasing how to present your academic interests, extracurricular activities, and personal experiences. 

However, it is crucial to remember that these are examples to guide and inspire you, not templates to be copied. Plagiarism is not just unethical, but it also robs you of the opportunity to express your unique story and aspirations authentically. Use these examples as a springboard to dive into your unique narrative. Happy writing!

Accounting Applicant 

Growing up in Doha, Qatar, my educational journey significantly changed when my family relocated to Accra, Ghana. This transition was challenging, particularly as I grappled with foundational lessons in mathematics that I had missed in the first grade. However, under the guidance of a supportive teacher in year nine who recommended math tutoring, I discovered that practice and understanding the basics could help me overcome my struggles. 

In secondary school, I ventured into commerce, accountancy, and economics. Initially, I was apprehensive about studying accountancy, associating it with my previous difficulties with mathematics.

However, under the mentorship of a dedicated teacher, I realised that accountancy was a different realm altogether – one that I found surprisingly enjoyable. 

student laptop

My passion for accountancy was further ignited when I managed my uncle’s business accounts in Accra. This hands-on experience allowed me to apply the theoretical knowledge I had learned in school, deepening my interest in the field. This experience was further supplemented by a placement at a local accounting firm where I shadowed a practising accountant and auditor. These opportunities gave me a glimpse into the daily operations of an accounting firm, solidifying my aspiration to become a professional accountant. 

I am determined to further my education at a high-ranking university in the UK and seek accreditation from the ACCA after completing my degree in the UK. The UK’s world-renowned education system, diverse culture, and the exciting opportunities it offers international students have always appealed to me. Moreover, the UK is the hub of many prestigious accounting firms, presenting numerous opportunities for internships and employment upon graduation. 

To prepare for this journey, I have completed the International Foundation Year with NCUK, studying Mathematics for Business, Business Studies, and Economics, along with the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course.

This comprehensive programme has equipped me with the skills necessary to thrive in the UK’s rigorous academic environment. 

In addition to my academic pursuits, I enjoy chess and volunteer at a local community centre in my spare time. These hobbies have honed my strategic thinking, logic, and teamwork skills, which will benefit my studies and future career. 

I aspire to work with an international accounting firm, contributing to their success with my skills. Eventually, I aim to establish my accounting firm. A degree from your esteemed university will give me the knowledge, skills, and connections needed to achieve these goals. 

In conclusion, I am eager to embark on this academic journey and am confident in achieving academic and non-academic success at your university. 

Any questions?

If you have any questions about writing a personal statement, contact our teams today!