University Campus Accommodation – NCUK Guide


Navigating On-Campus Accommodation For The First Time

Studying abroad? Becoming an international student is an exciting time, and one of the first steps after receiving your offer letter is to sort out your accommodation. Here’s a comprehensive guide to what you need to know about on-campus accommodation, an we’re also here to help you every step of the way.


Begin Early 

Once you have your offer, you’re in an excellent position to begin planning your accommodation early – and the earlier you start, the more options you’ll have available to choose from. 


Explore Your Options 

On-campus housing is often the preferred choice for many international students. It provides convenience, security and the opportunity to fully become part of the university community. However, you’ll still need to thoroughly research and understand what each housing option offers. 

student accommodation

Get Your University To Help

In most cases, universities will give you help and support in finding accommodation. So don’t hesitate to contact the Accommodation Office or the International Student Services at your university – they can provide you with valuable information about on-campus housing, shared apartments and other potential living arrangements. 

Familiarise Yourself With The Booking Process 

For on-campus housing, there may be extra documents you need to provide as part of your booking process. Check with your housing coordinator about any specific requirements. 

Use Online Resources 

There are various online platforms dedicated to student housing, and these can provide an overview of what to expect in terms of cost, facilities and location. 

Potential Challenges 

Of course, moving to a new country to study inherently brings a unique set of challenges – but always remember that you’re not alone. Your university will have a wealth of resources and support to help you find your way around these challenges.


It’s important to secure your accommodation as part of your study abroad journey – remember to start early, research your options and ask for help when you need it. As well as your university, NCUK can offer you extra help, support or information about on-campus accommodation. Simply contact the NCUK team directly, or use one of the many support channels available.