Personal Statement Workshops in Qatar!
NCUK’s Delivery Partner in Qatar, University Foundation College (UFC), recently conducted workshops on Personal Statements with support from NCUK’s Student Support team.
Students at University Foundation College brainstorming what should go into a personal statement.
Students at UFC who are currently studying the NCUK International Foundation Year gained valuable information from these workshops that they can use when putting their own personal statements together. When creating their personal statements, students need to demonstrate their enthusiasm, knowledge, and commitment, and above all, ensure that they stand out from the crowd.
At NCUK, we work closely with our partners to help students throughout the entire university application process. The personal statement is a vital part of any application and workshops like these help students to construct a cohesive, clear and concise personal statement.
The workshops on personal statements went really well with students being very engaged. Even students who had already written their draft statements managed to benefit as they gained useful insights on how to improve what they had already prepared.
Olga Cretu, Counsellor at University Foundation College
If you would like to conduct personal statement workshops at your Study Centre, please email