Professor Bee’s Summer Journey
Summer is over and Professor Bee has had a busy time flying all around the world visiting Study Centres and attending many events.
Staff at Oxford Sixth Form College, British School in Baku, Cardiff Academy, Chelsea Independent College and Divan International were delighted to see Professor Bee paying them a visit. They offered their winged visitor a tour through the facilities and some fantastic local food and teas. It was great to see that these Study Centres are ready to receive so many students who wish to start their academic journey with NCUK!
Professor Bee has also travelled to China to meet with staff from Beijing no 35 High School and has even popped in to say hello to Lisa and Jessica from the NCUK China office, who were delighted to greet their visitor from the UK.
However, the travelling hasn’t stopped there and Professor Bee has also attended Study World in London, where educational agents from all over the world met, and has accompanied NCUK Market Development Manager Harry Feng to the launch ceremony of Jiangsu Huaian High School, the newest addition to the NCUK global network. Professor Bee had also some spare time to fly to Medan in North Sumatra, to attend the World Education Expo in Indonesia!
Professor Bee is now back in the Manchester office organising the agenda for the autumn, and we are excited to see that it looks as busy as the summer. We are all looking forward to seeing where this busy member of the NCUK family will take us next and we can’t wait to keep meeting so many lovely staff and students from all around the world!
Make sure you are following NCUK’s social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn) so you can keep updated with Professor Bee’s journey!